Monday, July 14, 2014

264. Carnegie Public Library, Big Timber, Montana

This is the centennial year for this Carnegie library, and a large scrapbook contains clippings and photos from the recent celebration.

A sign on the door indicated that Carl Hiaasen would be visiting!

The children's area has two tables for kids, one for small kids and one for medium sized, a nice touch. A display of many LEGO models suggests an active club. A collection of parenting books is shelved in this area.

There is a nice "living room" area near windows and the periodicals. Near the adult collections are a diner booth, a row of tables, and eight computers. Inspirational books, biographies, and travel books have their own places. I spotted about 15 "book club in a bag" sets.

On the lower level there is a community meeting room, a fireplace, and a full kitchen, plus an area of "living room" seating.

On the landing between levels, near the "side" door, there is a large frame with many photographs labeled "Community Fun at the Library." The pictures reflect a large variety of activities for adults and children. It's nice to see that it's not only the kids who have library fun in Big Timber!

For more about this library, go to and

7/11/2014, car

New addition at the left, Carnegie building to the right.

Front view of the Carnegie building.

A handsome wall in the kids' area;
I didn't get the story on this, unfortunately.
Perhaps someone will leave a comment about it.

1 comment:

  1. I received this email from Kathy at Big Timber; it explains the lovely mural. I'm copying the email here with Kathy's permission.

    Ellen, thank you for your blog post of our library, it makes us feel famous! Carl Hiaasen’s visit was wonderful, he is a very funny man and shared a lot of anecdotes about his books and characters. We had a great turnout.

    When the new addition was almost complete (2007), and the restoration of the old part of the library in the works, we realized we had a large blank wall – crying out for a mural. We found it online and were allowed to add it to the furniture budget. It was professionally mounted and framed, I think it’s the perfect addition to the children’s area. Adults enjoy it more than children, although sometimes I see a young person doing a double-take...


Comments are welcomed, and I will respond to them. Please be tasteful; comments that are in poor taste will be deleted.
Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.