Tuesday, July 15, 2014

265. Carnegie Library, Red Lodge, Montana

This is a later Carnegie library, from 1919. One sign that it is later is the relative lack of ornamentation, but it is still a handsome building. I don't know how many existing Carnegie libraries have made it to this century without an addition; probably few if any. This one received its addition in 1992.

In the children's area I saw interesting bookcases that will be hard to describe here. One was sort of dollhouse-shaped, with rectangular and triangular sections of various sizes. They are very nice and add visual interest. There are lots of stuffed animals of various types. Classic wooden chairs have curved wood backs and spindles; they have been painted in cheerful colors. Recorded books are available on audio cassettes and CDs. I like to see the older technology remaining in use, so long as someone is around to use it. [I had an audio cassette player in my car until last Spring; I had to have a CD player in my new car, and I'm still getting used to it!]

There are at least nine public computers; when I was there, six were being used by teens.

Books here are catalogued by the Dewey system, but somehow I got talking to staff about the "BISAC" system or "bookstore" method of shelving by category. Now I know that BISAC stands for Book Industry Standard and Communication. I still think it would be practical only for a rather small collection.

The last detail I noted as I was leaving was the book drop, a "mail slot" on the outside and a wooden chute leading to a carpeted landing pad. A home-grown solution to a specific need, I imagine. I like it.

For more about this library, go to http://cityofredlodge.com/detail.asp?navID=CITY&custID=LIBRARY and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Red-Lodge-Carnegie-Library/201625456531508?rf=111909408863257.

7/11/2014, car

The sign on the bike rack indicates that it was provided by a local bike shop.
If I had turned about 180 degrees, I could have taken a picture of a few dozen residents
doing some kind of dance routine in the street--a fundraiser, I believe.
Sorry I didn't treat you to that.


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Sorry about the "verification" step; I added it after a rash of spammish comments.